Architectural Design
“Form Follows Function” as the quote stated by famous architect “Louis Sullivan” is dually true for all designs prepared by Elomatic. At Elomatic, the architecture team understands the importance and needs of the end users to provide holistic and cost – effective solutions. The solutions are customized and sustainable to match local ambient conditions and codes in accordance with latest construction and design technology.
The process for start of development is always dependent upon its site. A project can be greenfield or brownfield from gated communities to open communities the first step for any development is always on the layout of the land. The leeway of the land will set precedence for all present and future developments. The contours of the site also plays a critical role in development as it has major cost implications.
The layout generated also ensures that the technical integrity of the process and products are not compromised for aesthetical finishes. At the same time Architecture acts as a tool to generate environment where users can easily corelate to their surroundings. Our team of experts work together to ensure that the end product produced on site is the same as envisaged with complete client satisfaction.
As a global practice we at Elomatic understand the importance of micro environment of individual sites. All designs generated are keeping in mind the local planning and statutory codes applicable. We keep updated records of codes applicable on all our sites and ensure compliance to the same in all of our design. Codes act as a guideline for shaping the future of built forms at local level. The process of developing an environment suitable for human habitat challenges our team for designs which considers culture, values, productivity and tradition.

With the passage of time it has become important for all countries to not only be locally sustainable but also compete at global levels. The sustainable lifestyle for cities is resulting in a shortage of landbank. This has given a need for more vertical developments. At Elomatic, we are capable for designing both horizontal as well as vertical developments to facilitate the needs of the clients. Also the second issue arising out of shortage of landbank is the deterioration of existing infrastructure and built form. We understand the importance of local landmarks, heritage & cultural values of the certain specific buildings. Our team of experts have executed restoration and rehabilitation of existing structures.
With technological developments more and more importance is placed on the style of the buildings from classical architecture to neo classical architecture to contemporary architecture. With each development in style new systems and materials are used. We have a flexible and adaptive approach. A systematic study of market trend ensures that our design are always in line with each technological development.
Façade is one of the building’s most important exterior elements. The façade sets expectations and defines the feel of overall structure. The façade also plays a key role in light transmittance, acoustics, performance and energy efficiency of the buildings. This is a huge challenge as it sets a identity for the built form and the end users. Our team ensures that all elements are balanced with cost and engineering constrains.
At Elomatic, we believe in returning to nature what we have gained. Our designs are energy efficient and can apply for any energy efficient rating throughout the globe. We understand the cost for such developments is higher than regular developments. Our experts and designers design such buildings which can help reduction in the time duration for return of investments. This not only helps in reduction of carbon footprint of all developments but also results in a greener footprint.
Landscape design is an art to transform all visible areas of land into an aesthetically pleasing and scenic views weather man made or natural. Landscape can not only help preserving the micro environment of site but also plays a key role in perseverance of site. A well planned landscape can help in reduction in carbon footprint in industrial areas. For example not all trees are suitable to be planted near pharmaceutical industries. Also planning trees that absorb carbon dioxide can help in reduction of carbon footprint being generated from chimneys of industrial development. Trees with thick foliage’s act as an visual barrier at the same time the right amount of trees can also help in reduction of carbon footprints. It is also important to understand native vegetations as it will have cost implications and not all vegetation is suitable for the climate they are proposed in. At Elomatic, the experts understand the above implications and provide solutions in line and need of the site.

Interiors is a very dynamic field. It can help make bold statements about a company and its values. The field itself has also gone a significant changes in recent times varying from traditional office spaces to open office systems. All interiors are customized as per client requirements. We at Elomatic ensure that as per the requirements the interiors are practical at the same time display the client’s needs to its maximum potential.
At Elomatic, we provide solutions for internal building spaces which enhance aesthetical values which are technically viable and improves indoor quality of spaces. Our team of experts have extensive background in designing and execution of industrial, commercial, residential, institutional, clinical hospitality and special purpose spaces. The team focuses on effective space planning, user well – being and functional design which translates into the interior scheme of design as per client requirement. Our solutions are tailor made to customer need and satisfaction. Our design varies from traditional to most contemporary solutions as needed. We keep up to date with local and international trends in interiors to provide the best solutions for our clients. From theme based designs to agile spaces we do it all.
The entire internal space is well expressed by 3D design which allowed client to visualize the same without any surprises later on.