Procurement Consultancy

Procurement consultancy is to assist client on the selection of the most qualified vendors/ contractors and selection of most suitable equipment/ machine and support functions. This includes the classification of the equipment based on lead time and country of source. Further this classification is done based on the complexity of the applications in a project and the regulatory compliance that the client wishes to achieve.

Based on evolution a list of most suitable vendors/ contractor is prepared then scrutiny of vendor/ contractor is completed and followed by shortlisting of vendors/ contractor. Elomatic develops various discipline tenders along with all engineering documents for materials Supply, Installation, Commission, Qualification & Validation and will release along with a set of general / particular terms and conditions requirements to the pre – qualified & selected vendors and contractors. These tenders are inclusive of BOQ/ BOM of various equipment/ machine accessories/ running items etc.

The bids are received in two parts – Technical Bid and Commercial Bid. The technical bids received from vendors are reviewed by Elomatic. A thorough technical evaluation is performed and technical recommendation report is submitted to client who will then take the final decision. Our procurement processes are fully transparent, adhere to a strict code of conduct and are tailored to meet client needs.

Our experienced team of professionals add value to projects by obtaining technically most suitable equipment/ machine at affordable economics. We maintain ethical standards, mitigate risk and incorporate sustainability into our processes. Ensure compliance with the specification and optimise life cycle costs are our priority.

Elomatic work with access to a global network of suppliers and secure the best suitable equipment for the projects in any location.

Broadly speaking, Elomatic offer a wide range of Procurement Consultancy services as under :

  • Identification of vendors & contractors
  • Pre-qualification of vendors & contractors
  • Selection of vendors & contractors
  • Pre-bid & post bid meeting
  • Market intelligence & benchmarking
  • Tender preparation
  • Tender management
  • Bid analysis
  • Technical recommendation
  • Expediting deliveries
  • Stage wise & final inspection
  • Contract support
  • Coordination
  • Materials management
Life Sciences

Life Sciences Elomatic always thrives to live with purpose of “Idea to Commercialisation”. […]

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Feasibility Report

Feasibility Report Feasibility Report is study to determine the techno – commercial […]

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Pre – Concept Report

Pre – Concept Report After the positive conclusion of project Feasibility Report, […]

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Design & Engineering

Elomatic always thrives to live with purpose of “Idea to Commercialization”. Elomatic offers […]

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Site Master Plan

Site Master Plan Site Master Plan is the helicopter view of the […]

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Concept Design

Concept Design Concept Design is the foundation & strategic documents for any […]

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CSA Design

Civil, Structure & Architectural Design (CSA) “Form Follows Function” as the quote stated […]

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Basic Engineering

Basic Engineering Once a business plan has been determined and a Conceptual design completed […]

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Detailed Design

Detailed Design Detailed Engineering is the essential bridge between the basic engineering and […]

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Value Engineering

Value Engineering Elomatic strive to create projects of lasting cultural value, we […]

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Process Engineering

Process Engineering Our mission is to make you experience our Process Engineering […]

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Containment Engineering

Containment Engineering Elomatic has proven expertise to Design, Engineer, Qualify & Validate […]

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CQV Services

Commissioning, Qualification & Validation Services (CQV) Elomatic follow ICH harmonization guidelines & ISPE Baseline guidelines for […]

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CSV Services

Computer System Validation Services (CSV) Computer System Validation (CSV) is the process of documenting […]

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Project Management

Project Management Consultancy (PMC) is the kick start of implementations activities.

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Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer As part of our endeavor to provide end to end […]

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Intelligent Engineering Company

  +91 22 2583 6164

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