Pre – Concept Report

After the positive conclusion of project Feasibility Report, Pre – Conceptual Design is done which involves more skeleton detailing of the project on technical aspect. In the Pre – Concept Design stage, the goal is to further develop the project’s overall blue print and establish a project framework. Pre – Conceptual framework for the project as a whole is to define content priorities and individual conceptual directions for major areas/ zones, to produce an initial content and to develop an associated set of preliminary sketches and diagrams. Pre – Conceptual design is a phase which is probably one of the most important phases. This stages defines the design and engineering requirements of project, space planning & various functionality requirements. The Pre – Concept Design creates a general direction sufficient to understand the project and way forward for the development of same. Additionally, the critical operational parameters, project costs and schedules also begin to take shape.

Pre – Conceptual Design is not required for all projects. Clients which ventures into new field or on large investment projects; will use such services to develop the overall blue print & framework. Pre – Conceptual Design enables the design team to formulate ideas, evaluate design alternatives and conceptualise the project. It helps to develop a way forward process that defines how the project will be designed, engineered and implemented.

The Pre – Conceptual Design is discussed/ debated and revisited several times before a final blue print and preliminary framework of design & engineering is emerged that satisfy the criteria for success. It is a collaborative effort wherein investor are equally involved at various milestone discussions and decision. In the nutshell it a crisp report focussing on time, cost, scope and quality attributes for an organization to take an informed decision before starting a project.

In some ways it’s way finding effort, a path that leads to the most suitable solutions.

Typically deliverables of Pre – Concept Design are :

  • Establishing the client’s goals
  • Conceptual block layouts
  • Potential sources of technology
  • List of major production equipment
  • List of major utility equipment
  • Area statements
  • Building Program
  • Architectural Style
  • Understanding space requirements
  • Analysis the project budget
  • Brain Storming Session
  • Setting a preliminary project schedule
  • Preliminary site plan
  • Site Climate analysis
  • Preliminary code research
  • Preliminary Project URS
  • Regulatory framework
  • Project driver levers
  • Commencement schedule
  • Environmental & community concerns etc.
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